Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

1. Objective of establishment of residential colonies:

The Department built residential colonies to provide accommodation to its employees and this accommodation is made available to them in lieu of monthly house rent allowance. The main objective of the Department in arranging housing facility for employees and their family members is to provide for their convenience and a healthy environment, so that employees can work without stress and their performance can be enhanced
Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]

Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order]
Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order] Guidelines of Resident Welfare Association [DOP Order] Reviewed by ADMIN on Sunday, March 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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