Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking in India Post

Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking

1. Any Post Office Savings Account customer may apply for Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking facility. Savings Account must be standing at any CBS Post Office but not in Extra Departmental Branch Post Office in account with CBS Post Office.

2. Account Holder has to apply for Internet and/or Mobile and/or SMS Banking by filling ATM/eBanking/Mobile Banking Form. If Account holder has opened savings account after migration to CBS with proper KYC documents, there is no need for taking fresh KYC documents. If Account holder has opened Savings Account before migration, fresh Identity and Address proof as well as photograph has to be taken in Annexure-II of Account Opening Form(AOF) alongwith ATM/e-Banking/Mobile Banking Request Form.

3. This form has to be submitted only in the CBS Post Office where account was opened or where account is currently being operated after transfer. If a depositor of any account standing at any CBS post office wants to apply for E/M/SMS Banking at any other CBS Office, he/she has to first get his/her account transferred to the same CBS Post Office by following the already laid down procedure. In such cases CPA/SU should check the current SOL ID of the account which was transferred either in HACCDET or HACLI menu to confirm the same before enabling Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking.

4. Once Form alongwith required documents is submitted, Counter PA will go to IES menu of Finacle to verify signature of the applicant. If account is a Joint Account ‘B’ type, both the account holders have to sign the form and Joint Account ’A’ type of account holders cannot apply for these facilities.

5. Once customer’s signatures and other documents are verified, Counter PA has to see that all the required fields in the request form have been properly filled. Counter PA will go to CMRC menu and click on modify option. In CIF Modification menu, Counter PA has to click on Enable Internet banking and/or Enable Mobile Banking and/or enable SMS banking based on the options ticked by the applicant in request form. E Mail ID and Mobile Phone number are to be mandatorily filled by the Counter PA. See below screen shot:-

Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking in India Post
6. Supervisor has to verify the CIF modification in CMRC. After verification, Supervisor will make entry in a Register to be maintained in manuscript in CBS SO/HO showing following information:-

Date of apply- Date of delivery of PIN--Savings Account No.- Customer name-Mobile Number-E Mail ID- Signature of depositor- Initials of Supervisor

Depositor should be told to attend same CBS Post Office after 10 working days to get Internet Banking PIN. In case only Mobile banking facilities are applied, customer should be told to wait for 24 working hours and thereafter M PIN can be generated by the customer through the registered mobile number by downloading Mobile App. CIF ID will be the Login ID, both for Interest and Mobile Banking. In case of SMS banking, within 48 hours of applying, customer will get 4 digit PIN through SMS.

7. CPC Bangalore will print Internet banking PIN numbers and sent PINs to the respective CBS Post Office by service Insured Post. CPC Bangalore should keep sufficient stationary for PIN printing and dispatch. When any customer attend post office for getting PIN, Supervisor will enter date of delivery in the register and get deliver PIN mailer under signature in the register against the entry made on the day of accepting request form. Supervisor will initial against each entry. Customer should be told that CIF ID will be the Login ID and Login Password as well as Transaction Password should be changed after first login and should not be shared with anyone.

8. Facilities which can be availed by these account holders in Internet Banking, Mobile Banking and SMS Banking are attached. SMS Short Codes to be used by SMS Banking Account holders are also attached.

9. Every CBS Post Office has to paste this list of facilities and List Of Short Codes on the Public Notice Board.

Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking in India Post

10. LOTs and Consolidation of SB,RD,TD and PPF have been changed. A new selection criteria "Delivery Channel ID" has been added with default value as "BRN". When click on searcher, it shows following channels:-

BRN-Branch Transactions

BWY- E-Banking -M-Banking Chanel ID

SWT-ATM Channel ID

In BRN, all counter/system transactions done for a SOL will be shown. In BWY, all transactions done through Internet/Mobile Banking by Savings Account holders of a SOL will be shown. In SWT, all transactions done through ATM attached with the SOL will be shown. By default, BRN will be displayed in these LOTs and consolidation. Any CBS SO/HO should not account for transactions listed in BWY and SWT channel IDs. These offices can only see these reports in case of any complaint/grievance/inquiry.

11. Only Bangalore GPO will generate SB,RD,TD and PPF Consolidation by selecting BWY as channel ID and putting ALL as Set ID in the MIS server for the previous working day and account for total amount shown under different heads in the cash book showing amount as (Through E&M Banking). One deposit and one withdrawal voucher for the total amount (scheme-wise) has to be prepared by Bangalore GPO and transferred to SBCO alongwith printed copy of consolidation.

12. For any complaint regarding Internet/Mobile/SMS banking, customer has to either dial toll free number 1800-425-2440 or send an e-mail to If customer complains at any CBS Post Office, his/her complaint may be accepted and forwarded to this e-mail ID. CPC Bangalore will handle such complaints till further orders.

india post logo            POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK
ATM CARD/Internet/Mobile/SMS banking REQUEST FORM

Post Office______________________Date________________SOL ID___________________

Account Number


For Applicant(s)
1. ATM Card required for (please tick √ the empty box)

                 All  Joint Account Holders

2. Name to be printed (embossed) on the Card (in Capital Letters)                                                       Date of Birth



3. Please tick relevant requirement from below:

New Card (please tick one)   1. Insta Card                (OR)       2. Personalized Card 
Internet Banking Request                          Mobile Banking Request               SMS Banking    
PIN regeneration request:-  Net Banking PIN          Mobile banking               ATM Card Pin
Cancellation of ATM card    {Please provide  card number(s)} --------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Internet Banking/Mobile banking and SMS alerts: (Please tick wherever applicable. Applicable only for the first time)
Internet Banking
Applicant (1)

Applicant (2)


Mobile Banking

SMS Alert

Mother’s maiden Name

Declarations/Terms & Conditions
I/We declare that above information is correct. I/We authorize Department of Posts to debit/ recover the charges as applicable from time to time from my/our account for withdrawals using my ATM/Debit Card or Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking. I/We undertake to maintain sufficient funds excluding the minimum balance stipulated in my account. I/We will accept full responsibility for transactions done through my/our ATM/Debit Card or Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking and agree not to make claims against Department of Posts in respect thereto.

Signature/Thumb Impression:-        1st Applicant                       2nd Applicant                                 3rd Applicant

For Office Use only

Certified that I have verified the documents submitted with this application form and confirm that KYC norms are fully complied with.

Following items issued:-

Insta ATM/Debit Card No. with PIN………………………………………………..

Date of Issue……………………………………………………….

Application for Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking accepted.

                                                                                                 Signature of Chief/Sr./Sub/ Postmaster

Date Stamp of Post Office

Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking in India Post Standard Operating Procedure Internet/Mobile/SMS Banking in India Post Reviewed by ADMIN on Tuesday, January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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