Arrears Calculator for GRAMIN DAK SEVAK (GDS) Employees

Arrears Calculator for GRAMIN DAK SEVAK (GDS) Employees

The GDS pay scale has been revised by the Seventh Pay Commission and consequent on this, payment of proportionate arrears has become due.  In order to help the offices using Meghdoot Accounts in this job, a new application titled GDSArrears.exe is designed to work as an extension of the main accounts module.

Please note that this application can be used to draw arrears to GDS only on account of seventh pay commission implementation.  

Please download the GDSArrears.exe along with the Config.xml file and copy it to any location in the system. First time when you are running the exe then it will prompt to enter the server name where accounts database resides. Give the accounts server name. Now the application is ready for use. To enter the server name manually, open the Config.xml file with notepad and enter the name of the server where the Accounts database resides. Alternatively, you can copy the exe to the folder where Accounts is installed in which case, the application can be executed easily. 

Process of arrears calculation

Double click the GDSArrears.exe to launch the application.  In the login screen, the user name as available in the accounts module is exhibited.  You can select a user, enter the password and login.  

In the arrears calculator dialog box, select the official, the period from and to applicable (the default period that is from January 2016 to June 2018 is displayed).  Please note that you have to select only the eligible GDS officials for calculation as it will be displaying retired GDS officials also.  

The list of officials available includes those who have been deleted between January 2016 and June 2018 on account of retirement, death, dismissal etc and their name appears with remarks Retired in brackets.  In such cases, if a new incumbent joined the post in the middle of the period above (between 1.1.2016 and 30.06.2018), first select the employee who ceases to exist, upto the specified date, select the period and draw the arrears in the steps explained below.  Next, select the new incumbent and set the subsequent period upto June 2018.  In this case, the month of increment appears as the month of joining.  Please ensure that the month of increment correctly appears and if not so, correct the same.  The other process to continue from this point.

For the official whose first salary drawn later then Jan 2016 old basic and Increment month should be entered manually. 

The existing pay scale, pay in the pre-revised scale, the corresponding month of increment, designation, Post etc., are displayed automatically.  Check for the correctness of these and make modifications if required, click Insert button and click Submit button.  The calculation of arrears is displayed.  Click the Save button to save the details for the official.  

If any of these figures have to be altered, click the Modify tab, select the employee concerned, click Fetch button, select the month for which change is required and click Edit button.  Figures are displayed for editing.  Afford the appropriate changes and click the Update button to save the changes.  While modifying, if the LWA for a period has to be entered which was not there in the original bill, the number of days can be entered and the arrears for this will be modified automatically.  Please note that Dies-Non transactions are also included in LWA while calculating arrears. Check whether the details are correct or not and through Modify Tab necessary changes have to be made if the data is incorrect. Repeat the calculation process for all the eligible officials and on completion click the Reports tab to proceed further.  Please note that the arrear bills for all the eligible employees will have to be calculated in a single bill and separate bill for individual cases cannot be generated.

Before proceeding further, ascertain the next bill number to be assigned for the arrears bill.  In the Reports dialog box, click the Drawl of Arrears, enter the sanction number and bill number and click the Draw button.  The arrears bill is now created.  Acquittance rolls for this bill can be generated in the other bills module. Retired/ Promoted Officials details will not go directly to Other Bills Module. Acquittance Rolls for these employees has to be prepared separately.

You can generate the Detailed Arrears Report and Individual Report for each employee which displays the total amount of arrears thereof payable now. For Retired/ Promoted Officials, separate report is there. 
Please note that, once the Acquittance rolls are prepared in other bills module of Meghdoot Accounts for any employee, Arrears details of that employee cannot be saved/ modified again. So be sure that all the details are correct before preparing Acquittance Rolls.

If increment amount is not reflecting in the old basic, please check appeared basic pay is matching with the scale selected.

If you have changed charged month next to same and prepared some bills then again changed to Next to same month, arrears will not calculated correctly. You need to manually calculate and edit through modify option 

Arrears Calculator for GRAMIN DAK SEVAK (GDS) Employees Arrears Calculator for GRAMIN DAK SEVAK (GDS) Employees Reviewed by ADMIN on Monday, July 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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